Current Affairs

Joy In The Mourning

There is joy and hope for those who mourn. (See, Matthew 5:4). "How can we live this way? Many of us are tempted to be relieved of our pain. We want to flee it at all costs. But when we learn to move through suffering, rather than avoid it, then we greet it differently. We become willing to let it teach us. We even begin to see how God can use it for some larger end. Suffering becomes something other than a nuisance or curse to be evaded at all costs, but a way into deeper fulfillment. Ultimately mourning means facing what wounds us in the presence of One who can heal” (Nouwen. 2001:xix)

(Henri Nouwen. 2001. Turn My Morning Into Dancing: Finding Hope During Hard Time. Edited by Timothy Jones. TN: W Publishing)

A Tool For Feeding The Hungry (after a shooting tragedy)

(This post is my response and reflection in the aftermath of the tragic death of teachers and students, 19 children, of the Robb Elementary School, Uvalde, Texas.)

What would a weapon of war look like if it is turned into a tool for feeding the hungry? The prophets of the Old Testament have struggled to answer this question. Read Isaiah 2:4-5 and Micah 4:3-5, and you will see the imagery of swords being turned into plowshares.

“God shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks… O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord. You shall learn war no more, but you will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.” (Is. 2:4-5 & Mic. 4:3-5)

So, what would an AK-47 (or AR-15) look like when it is remanufactured as a tool to help us cook food for the hungry? What would a nuclear ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) look like if we retro-fit it for food production and distribution? So, what is your answer?

If I were to ask Jesus this question, he will probably not have a direct answer (not because he does not know an AK-47 or an ICBM). He will probably say:

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." --(Matthew 5:6-9)

Here is a song that I heard this Sunday morning, a song that captures my thoughts for this time of reflection:

God, Our Nation Feels The Loss. (Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. 2022)

God, our nation feels the loss
as our children pay the cost
for the violence we accept,
for the silence we have kept.
Rachel weeps for children gone;
God of love, this can’t go on!

Jesus, Lord, we hear you say,
“Don’t turn little ones away!”
May we build a kinder land
where our children understand:
Every child here matters more
that the guns we clamor for.

Holy Spirit, wind and flame,
send us out in Jesus’ name.
May we shout and say, “Enough!”
May we build a world of love—
till the sounds of weapons cease,
till our young can grow in peace.

Copyright © 2022 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.

Advent Week (4): Mary's Song

This Advent Week’s Lectionary Reading from the Gospels is from Luke 1:46-55, Mary’s song, The Magnificat. The song speaks of Christians ushering in justice in the face of great political opposition (‘God bringing down the mighty’) and encouraging everyone to walk in humility before our God (‘God exalting those of humble estate’). Allow me to share about the second part, about humility. What is humility?

According to Adele A. Calhoun, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. Humble people let go of image management and self-promotion. They honor others by making the other [persons’] needs as real and important as their own.” (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. 2015:215)

So, when was the last time you were thinking of yourself less? Are we promoting our selves when we open our mouth or post something on social media? These are questions we all need to answer as we read this week’s lectionary readings.

“Mary's Song of Praise: The Magnificat”

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” (Luke 1:46-55. ESV)

Mary’s song says that God “has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts” (verse 51). Well, I am busted. My family, who knows me very well, knows that I constantly struggle with pride in my heart. I plead guilty. And the song continues, “He has brought down the mighty from their thrones” (verse 52a). I certainly feel like I am one of the mighty, considering my titles, education, “strength of the passport” I carry, linguistic skills, access to modern medicine, and many other gifts and privileges that place me on a pedestal above others. I stand judged by Mary’s song. It does not stop there. Verse 53 explains that God sent away the rich empty. By so many global standards, I am considered a rich man. No matter how many ways I am able to justify my situation, every time I hear Mary’s Magnificat, I am speechless and stand naked before our God. 

I surrender all these feelings to our Lord, and pray that He will grant me mercy. One line from the song that gives me hope is in verse 50: “His mercy is for those who fear Him.” I fear for God’s judgement on my prideful heart, my mighty ways, and my rich man’s lifestyle. I trust in Him that He will grant me mercy. “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:47).

“I am here to do it your way, O God.” (Hebrews 10:7 - MSG)

Submitting To The Light: A Christmas Thought

In the Christmas story, the mention of light is everywhere. John’s version in John chapter one describes Jesus’ coming as the “light that gives life” (John 1:4). Imagine you are a plant or a tree. You reach out to the sky and spread your limbs to receive the life-giving light from the sun. You do not want to possess it because no one can control it. You do not want to turn away from it, because doing so would be inviting death. All you need to do is to submit to the light, spread your leaves, so to speak, in the direction of the sunlight and let its life-giving elements flow through your whole body. In the same manner, we are to submit to Jesus, the Light of the World, and soak in His presence. We want the Light to the Nations to flow through our entire being. (See John 8:12, and Isaiah 49:6) In this Christmastime, let us continue to submit to Jesus, and allow His light to flow through us.

At this time, I want to revisit two popular Christmas stories and share with you the theme of submitting to Jesus. We want to center our talk in the ways that the light was presented in the stories. We also want to see how the people responded in submission. 

In the first Christmas, we read in Luke chapter two the story of the encounter of the shepherds with the angels. These heavenly host came in the glory of the Lord. Lots of light. Multiply this shining glory with the multitude of angels, I would think it was a dazzling sight. No wonder the shepherds were startled and responded with fear. Their initial response was not submission but one of confusion and distress. To the shepherds credit, we probably would do the same. Imagine if the sky opened up and a burst of intense light shines over your neighborhood, you and I would probably be the first ones to scamper away. If it were not for the angles’ explanation, the story of hope and birth of a Savior, the shepherds would most likely stay hidden, fearful, and confused. I am glad the angels did not stopped with this cosmic and overwhelming appearance. They continued and guided the shepherds to go and see the Infant-Savior lying in a manger. The shepherds saw and visited with the baby. They celebrated in the beauty and wonder of God visiting humankind. They all went home glorifying and praising God. (See Luke 2:8-20). They responded in submission to the Light of the World.

In another Christmas event (about two years later), we read in Matthew chapter two the story of the Magis, the scholars from the East. They came to see the Child-King because of the beckoning of a star. The Magis followed the star in response to a prophecy from Scriptures. Anyone who has experienced going out at night and watching blinking stars from a distance would agree that it is a gentle and soothing experience. It is in contrast to the overwhelming encounter of the shepherds with the glorious light of the angels. And yet, they had the same responses of submission. The Magis experienced joy when they saw Jesus. Light shone and it came as a refreshing fulfillment of God’s promise from the prophetic writings. The Magi saw the baby and they worshipped him. They went home and continued in a life of obedience. (See Matthew 2:1-12). They responded in submission to the Light of the World.

Now, these stories could have gone sideways. The Magis could have ignored the cosmic beckons, or the shepherds could have languished in their fear. But no, they both continued submitting their lives to the Savior. What cosmic events are happening in your life? Maybe, they are simple everyday events but you feel they are equally earth-shaking. Do these events shape your life? Or, are you continuing in your life of submission to our Lord Jesus? Come to the Light of the World and soak in His presence.

This present Christmastime, imagine yourself in a forest in the middle of the night. It is pitched dark and you cannot see anything. You stumble and fall, and you do not know where to go. And then, here comes Jesus, bringing light that gives life. He is our  friend who is ever present. He is the Light to the Nations, offering hope to everyone. He has the light that illumines our surrounding. His light and life flows through us and to everyone near and far. Light breaks the darkness and we all can see everything. As John said: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). Spread out your arms and open your hands to receive life this Christmas. Allow the life of Jesus to shine through you. Respond in submission to the Light of the World, the light that gives life. Amen.

An Angel's Story

At one time, the angels were gathered right before the moment of the first Christmas. They were all discussing ways of announcing the Messiah’s birth. One veteran angel said: “Let us gather the heavenly host, an army of our kind, and appear to the people in the heavens right above them. Let us display our power and shine a heavenly light around them. Let us sing of God’s glory and announce our presence with loud trumpet sounds. Let us declare the coming of the Messiah, the Savior of the world.” Everyone seemed to agree, except one young angel.

This young angel suggested something different. She said: “Why don’t we tone it down a little bit so that we do not scare away these earthlings. Let us use a gentle twinkling star instead. We can use a star from the east to encourage the people to search their sacred writings of a prophecy about the birth of the Messiah. Then, we can move this star to guide those who are willing to look for the Messiah.” All the angels disagreed with her, and followed the idea of the veteran angel. So, that night of the Messiah’s birth, one Chief Angel looked around for a good place to make the cosmic announcement. She chose a particular field where people and sheep were huddled together in one area.

“There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God's angel stood among them and God's glory blazed around them. They were terrified.” (Luke 2:8-9. MSG).

The Chief Angel saw the fear in the people’s eyes. She raised her hand and stopped all the blazing light and the sound of the marching army. She said: “Let me talk to these earthlings and go down to their level so that they can understand the announcement we are making.”

“The angel said, ‘Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.’” (Luke 2:10-12. MSG).

At that moment, the angels saw the fear vanishing from the people’s faces. They started talking to each other with excitement. They wanted to see the Infant-Savior that they have heard from their grandmothers and grandfathers. It is at this point that the veteran angel made another suggestion. He said: “I think this is a good time to continue our announcement with singing and loud cosmic celebrations.”

“At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God's praises. Glory to God in the heavenly heights, Peace to all men and women on earth who please him. As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. ‘Let's get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.’” (Luke 2:13-15. MSG).

At another time, about two years later after the first Christmas, the angels were gathered together to discuss some ways of announcing the coming of the Messiah to the people from the East. One young angel suggested using a twinkling star to encourage the people to search their sacred writings and guide them to where the Savior was staying. And all the angels agreed with her. You know the story right? You can read this in The Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12, the Story of the Magis.

*** *** ***

(By: David W. Clemente. 2021. Illinois, USA)

Are You Blessed?

"This is why Jesus said that the poor are blessed and the hungry will be satisfied and the merciful will be shown mercy. Not because God loves them any more than he loves the rest but because they know their need. They have a clear diagnosis. A hungry man knows he needs bread. A heart that's been broken knows it wants mercy. And a soul that can see its own self-deception knows it needs good news, which is what the gospel is." (Jonathan Wilson-HartGrove. 2018. Reconstructing the Gospel: Finding Freedom from Slaveholder Religion. IL: IVP Books)

Forgive me Lord for not seeing the self-deception in my soul. I have not seen the suffering of my Black brothers and sisters here in America. Open my eyes. Help me Lord to reach out and learn from them.

A Statement After January Sixth

A Letter of Pastoral Guidance from the Board of Bishops

January 10, 2021.

A statement for Free Methodists following the January 6 events in the United States.

To Our Free Methodist Family:

Having prayerfully reflected upon the events of January 6 at the U.S. Capitol, we, your Board of Bishops offer this response to center us, unify us, call us to prayer, and to remind us of our role as disciples of Jesus Christ.

A Call to Prayer for Our Divided Nation and Church

First, and of primary importance, we call Free Methodists everywhere to a season of prayer and fasting. We are a nation divided and sadly acknowledge that many of our churches reflect that division. As each of us observes and experiences the turmoil in our nation, we will naturally respond in different ways due to different life experiences, different passions, and different visions of what our nation should be. We respect these differences but call on one another to humbly repent of attitudes and actions that are unpleasing to God and distance us from one another. Our hearts should be broken over the strife and division in our society and churches. May God help us to be repairers of the broken walls that exist all around us. “If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

A Call to Wisdom and Discernment

We recognize that the events of last week did not happen in a vacuum but were in many ways the culmination of the social and political unrest that swept our nation in 2020. This unrest was at times instigated or inflamed by growing trends that do not contribute to understanding and healing but rather leave division and destruction in their wake. We, therefore, call on Free Methodists everywhere to seek the Lord for wisdom regarding such trends, the courage to resist them, and the resolve to walk in His ways.

  • LET US BE WISE paying close attention to unhealthy communication patterns inherent in most social media platforms. Let us be discerning and “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19).
  • LET US BE WISE and resist the temptation to discuss controversial matters in the sterile environment of the digital universe rather than the relationally rich environment of authentic community.
  • LET US BE WISE and refrain from responding to complex issues with simplistic soundbites that serve only to defend or strengthen already-held positions.
  • LET US BE WISE about such things as the rhetoric of QAnon and other secretive groups that thrive on conspiracy theories and spread their beliefs in ways that stir fear and suspicion and demonize those who disagree.
  • LET US BE WISE to the ways of extremist groups on both sides of the political landscape.
  • LET US BE WISE to the deception of Christian nationalism that equates faithfulness to Jesus Christ with loyalty to a particular party.

A Call to Remind Us of Our Role as Disciples of Jesus Christ

The world we live in is being profoundly shaped by such forces that are not of Christ. In times like this, it is crucial that we heed the Apostle Paul’s exhortation, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). What does that mean for us as Free Methodists in the current context? We offer the following words of guidance and encouragement:

  • LET US strengthen our unity as a Free Methodist family in love even as the world at large engages divisive ways. When we fail to do so, we put ourselves at risk of viewing one another as opponents or enemies rather than brothers and sisters in Christ. Without question, we must deal with our own sin and all the ways we have been conformed to this world, but we do so in love and with the spiritual resources of confession, repentance, and forgiveness.
  • LET US remember that our true home is in a kingdom that is “not of this world” (John 18:36). It is not wrong to love our nation or to engage in it socially or politically, but we do so as “ambassadors” of another kingdom (2 Corinthians 5:20). Our mission is to always and everywhere represent the kingdom of God with the courage and boldness that comes only to those whose identity and security is found in Christ alone.
  • LET US embrace the practice of speaking to specific political issues from a biblical perspective rather than speaking to them from the positions of political parties. To those who feel called of God to align with or operate within a specific political party, let us do so with the conviction that we must never allow loyalty to the party to supersede our loyalty to Jesus Christ or our devotion to the truth of God’s Word.
  • LET US confess that we have largely neglected our true mission to make disciples in exchange for seeking to preserve Christian culture through political influence and power. Jesus set out to transform the world by making disciples who make disciples. May God use this season of turmoil to bring us to our knees and restore us to our mission.

A Call to Denounce National Sin and Separate Ourselves from any Participation in It

We respect the right of all U.S. citizens to participate in peaceful demonstrations and recognize that many protestors in the large crowd had no violent intentions and in fact did not storm the Capitol, nor do they support the violent and illegal acts that were committed. Nevertheless, we have a responsibility as Christians to speak boldly and prophetically to matters of sin. With regard to the events that occurred on the afternoon of January 6, 2020:

  • WE DENOUNCE the violent and illegal acts with the same words we uttered last June in the midst of violent demonstrations across many of our cities, “While we support the right of every American to protest unjust acts or policies, we equally deplore the use of violence and call on Free Methodists to be agents of peace even as we stand boldly against every form of injustice.”
  • WE DENOUNCE the inflammatory and divisive words and actions of President Donald Trump leading up to and on the morning of January 6. His continual touting of unsubstantiated claims coupled with his refusal to unequivocally denounce the violent and illegal acts in a timely manner contributed to the appalling events that occurred later that day.
  • WE DENOUNCE the many signs, emblems, flags, and banners that were deployed by some protestors and paraded through our nation’s Capitol. We deplore such symbols that further the causes of racism, white supremacy, secret societies, and other ideologies that are entirely incongruent with the gospel. Most egregious were those symbols that politicized the gospel, and in some cases, Jesus Christ, Himself.
  • Lest we fail to search our own hearts, we also renounce any personal involvement in such sin and turn to Christ for His Way, Truth, and Life.

It is God’s providence that we have just released The Free Methodist Way for such a time as this. Let us be people of Life-Giving Holiness, Love-Driven Justice, Christ-Compelled Multiplication, Cross-Cultural Collaboration, and God-Given Revelation. Let us cling to these now and always.

Your Christmas Traditions

   Some Christmas traditions around the globe are very similar. For example in Poland, people celebrate Christmas with a formal, candle-lit Christmas Eve meal called Wigilia. The meal, which is meat-free, traditionally consists of 12 courses, one for each apostle. This meal starts with a prayer and culminating with each family member wishing everyone a joyous celebration. 

   In the Philippines, Filipinos celebrate Christmas Eve with a midnight meal called Noche Buena. Close to 12:00 in the evening, family members gather around the table, open up with a prayer, and feast on the food that usually consist of lechon, pansit, bibingka, and other traditional delicacies. After the meal, the fellowship ends with the opening of gifts. Everyone celebrates this gift-giving time and affirms the love for each other. Isn't this tradition very similar to the Polish tradition? 

  So, what Christmas traditions do you practice in your families? In my family we celebrate Christmas by spending time with each other. When we were in Taiwan, we would travel to Kenting and enjoy the sand, waves, hiking, and trips to the night market. On Christmas Eve, we would go stroll around the many interesting booths at the night market and visit a local pizza place for our meal. At midnight, we would relax in our hotel room and watch a movie together. Christmas Day, we would go to the beach and enjoy the water for a few hours. During the remaining days in Kenting, we would go hiking in the nearby forest and recreational park, eat sea food, and just enjoy quiet moments at a coffee place by the sea shore.

   Now, that we are in Illinois, we have similar practices. We still have movie time on Christmas Eve, pansit and sea food for our meals, and quiet time with each other. On Christmas Day, we would open our gifts and appreciate each other’s love and thoughtfulness. Later, we would visit Grandma and Grandpa at their place for a time of pizza, fellowship, and maybe some moments of watching football. The only difference is wearing our face masks during this time of visit.

    So, what are your Christmas traditions?

God's Light in Creation

Do you know the Chinese character for “light?” It is Guang (光). A Japanese artist explains that the original character represents two characters or images. The first image describes the three rays of a rising sun emerging between two mountains. Eventually, it became the pictogram for fire. This character evolved into three rays set on a straight horizontal line, which is what we have today. The second image is the bottom one, with two lines, one straight vertical line and another vertical line with a tail curled forward to the front. This image represents the older character for people or persons. So, “Guang” really says the light from creation is shining to everyone. Like what John said in John 1:11, “Jesus is the true Light, and he came and shone to all creation” (Jn. 1:9-13. Phillips). And this is the thought I want to share today.

Isaiah 55:12 encourages the readers “to go out with joy and be led forth with peace.” Verse eleven describes God’s word coming down from heaven and raining down on all the earth and fulfilling the purposes of God. Our study of the etymology of Guang certainly resonates with this Isaiah imagery. The text continues with the action words of “clap” and “go,” painting the picture of the “trees of the field clapping their hands” and the mountains coming out in singing. The biblical narration tells us of all creation rejoicing with the people. 

We can do several things: clapping and singing, rejoicing and going out with peace. These are great ways of approaching the coming new year. But, all of these will not come without hardships and trials. The Covid pandemic has made 2021 a trying year, full of unwanted encounters and unpleasant surprises.

I am not going to suggest that we relive the many trials we have had this 2020. Many of us have personally experienced suffering brought by the Covid pandemic. Some of us are still struggling with health issues, family tensions, financial sacrifices, and other problems. What I am suggesting is that we clap with joy and bring in the New Year starting from our trials and tribulations. We move from suffering to joy because God is leading the way. He speaks His word, just like rain coming down from the sky to the earth. 

The writer of Isaiah chapter 55 understands this joy that comes out of suffering. If we look back to chapters 53 and 54, we see that they are full of themes of suffering, trials, and hardships. Isaiah 53 is the location for the “Suffering Servant” portraying Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross. And yet, the writer explodes with joy and celebration when he comes to chapter 55. All of creation will join in with clapping and singing.

This stance or attitude of joy in the midst of suffering is possible for all believers, not because of our own strength, but because God will be the One to lead us into singing and rejoicing. “His ways are not our ways.” (Isaiah 55:8). The writer reminds us in verse 11 that God Himself will accomplish His purpose here on earth. (Is. 55:11). God’s word will go forth and not return empty. Just like the image of the bursting light from a sunrise beaming over the whole earth, God will shower His blessings to everyone. God Himself will lead the way.

So, this coming year 2021, let us go forth with clapping and rejoicing, knowing that God will be the One to lead us. Even if we are still suffering, God’s word will come down from heaven and shine its light to all of creation, and He Himself will accomplish the good things in our lives. All we need to do is to remain faithful and obedient and to continue seeking our Lord, as the writer encourages everyone in verse 6: “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near.” (Isaiah 55:6). Call upon God and allow Him to lead you in your life.

Sometimes, after we obey God and “clap with joy” to welcome the Light of the world, people forget who we are or what we have done. I think that is okay. We should remember that it is not about us. But it is about Jesus, the Light of the world who is the Life for all men and women. (John 1:4-5). The important thing is that others see Jesus in our lives, and that they in turn follow God and fulfill His purpose for their lives. All your friends will experience the “Peace on Earth” and they will be led forth by the peace of God. They may forget you, but they will always remember God’s goodness in their lives.

Let me end with a story of the lamplighter. In olden times, city streets were lined up with oil lamps set on poles by the side of the streets. These were the days before electricity. The lamplighter comes every day, at dusk, right before the sunset, and walks along the sides of the streets and lites up every lamp. He holds a long stick with a torch at the top end to ignite the street lamps.  Everyone sees the lamplighter and knows what he needs to do. But once the evening comes, and all the city street lights are lit, no one remembers the lamplighter. And yet, everyone is joyful for the light around their neighborhood. The city is alive and darkness cannot stop the light. The light has come.

Let me read to you John 1:9-13 (NLT).

The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. 11 He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. 12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. 13 They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.

May you allow the Light of God to shine in the world through you. May you celebrate God’s light for everyone to see. May you become a “Guang for Jesus.” Amen!

Prayer for Our Nation (Re-posted)

We are all praying for our nation. We are praying for every country, where there is "justice for the fatherless and the widow, and love [for] the sojourners, giving them food and clothing" (Deuteronomy 10:18 ESV). This is the least we could do.

We are praying for our Presidents, Senators, Governors, and "for kings and rulers in positions of responsibility, so that our common life may be lived in peace and quiet, with a proper sense of God and of our responsibility to him for what we do with our lives" (1 Timothy 2:2 PHILLIPS). This is expected of us.

We are praying for the citizens of the land to "be generous to the poor, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim freedom to prisoners," even for those in bondage to addiction and those who are blinded by racial discrimination (See Matthew 11:5; Luke 4:18-20; and Luke 11:41 NIV). This is the right thing to do.

Let us pray, together with Jesus, with the "Spirit on Him; He will proclaim justice to the nations" (Matthew 12:18, and Isaiah 42:1 NIV). Pray with me for "justice [to] roll down like waters; and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." (Amos 5:24 NASB). Let us humbly pray and seek God's face so that healing will come to our nations (See 1 Chronicles 7:14). Are you praying? Please pray with me. This is something we could do together.