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Songs For Easter Sunday

Ordinary Things

This morning, Carmen and I went to a time of ministry with a group of Filipinos (OFWs) working here in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. We joined the leaders of Higher Ground Church (NHGCC) singing songs and meeting new OFWs coming to Taiwan. We left Nandzi (a northern district of this city) to visit a dormitory at KEPZ (Kaohsiung Economic Processing Zone) south of us and met some members of the JIL (Jesus Is Lord) Church. We ate some pansit (Filipino noodles), enjoyed the chit-chats in Ilokano and Tagalog, and connected with the dormitory's Taiwanese supervisor. Pastor Terry Chu, a Chinese pastor of the New Song Church, coordinated the whole affair. It was a great experience to see God's leading hand. The Holy Spirit orchestrated the whole thing. Nothing spectacular. No fire from the sky coming down to earth. Nothing of this sort. Just ordinary people like us talking to each other and telling stories about the Great and Almighty God.

From the looks of it, these few friends we met will eventually go to the small JIL Church nearby. It doesn't make sense for them to travel an hour or so just to visit Higher Ground Church every Sunday. They definitely will not go to a Free Methodist Church or the New Song Church because they are all Chinese churches. They will all go to a JIL Church, and I am okay with that. It is liberating to know that we are all doing this not to bring in more people to our local groups, but for the sake of the Kingdom of God. If God will use our simple stories to challenge people to His salvation, then praise God. If He will bring the people to this small JIL Church, then glory to our Creator. It is good to know that we are all working for the Almighty Founder of the Universe.

Carmen loved her time of singing and jamming with the Filipina friends. She asked me twice when we were going to visit Higher Ground Church next so she can sing with the Praise and Worship Band. I told her she needs to practice with them. Maybe this Thursday or Saturday. These are the two days of the week the ladies come to church for music practice. I probably will take Carmen this Thursday, since this whole week she is off school enjoying her Spring Break. I am glad she enjoys these kinds of ordinary things, spending time with people.


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