Back in Kaohsiung, Taiwan this January 2010
23 boxes came

A Letter to a Pastor and Friend From Zeeland, MI


Thank you so much for your prayers. The children are adjusting pretty well. Carmen is enjoying her school at Morrison Academy. It helps that her classmates are so excited to have her back. Jacob is also enjoying school. Although, I sense that he is feeling out of place because he cannot speak Chinese as fluently as his classmates. He loves to talk so it does not help that he is the odd one out of the group. I am sure he will pick the language up and will be back as usual in no time. But, for now, he needs more work. Please pray that he can re-learn Chinese very quickly.

I am preparing for my lectures. I still have to select my interpreter. This Monday, I am going to talk to several people and ask them to be my interpreter and translator for my class at seminary. Pray for God's leadership.

Thank you again for your enthusiasm. It has been good to know that Zeeland FMC is behind us and with us in this ministry here in Taiwan. Tomorrow, we will go to Feng Shan FMC. It is also encouraging that this congregation here in Kaohsiung is very supportive of our family. It is empowering to realize that both "home church" (Zeeland FM) and "mission field church" (Feng Shan FM) are participating with us in the Lord's work here in Asia. God bless.

In Christ,



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